The poem Nacer hombre by the Bolivian poet Adelia Zamudio.
Nacer Hombre | Born a Man |
Cuánto trabajo ella pasa por corregir la torpezade su esposo, y en la casa, (permitidme que me asombre) tan inepto como fatuo sigue él siendo la cabeza, porque es hombre. Si alguna versos escribe -“De alguno esos versos son que ella sólo los suscribe”; (permitidme que me asombre) Si ese alguno no es poeta ¿por qué tal suposición? -Porque es hombre. Una mujer superior en elecciones no vota, y vota el pillo peor; (permitidme que me asombre) con sólo saber firmar puede votar un idiota, porque es hombre. Él se abate y bebe o juega en un revés de la suerte; ella sufre, lucha y ruega; (permitidme que me asombre). Ella se llama “ser débil”, y él se apellida “ser fuerte” porque es hombre. Ella debe perdonar si su esposo le es infiel; mas, él se puede vengar; (permitidme que me asombre) en un caso semejante hasta puede matar él, porque es hombre. ¡Oh, mortal! ¡Oh mortal privilegiado, que de perfecto y cabal gozas seguro renombre! para ello ¿qué te ha bastado? Nacer hombre. | How much work she goes through to correct her husband's clumsiness, and in the house, (allow me to be amazed) as inept as he is foolish, he continues to be the head, because he is a man. If she writes any verses -“Those verses are from someone else she only copy them”; (allow me to be amazed) If that someone is not a poet, why such an assumption? -Because he is a man. A superior woman in elections does not vote, and the worst scoundrel votes; (allow me to be amazed) just by knowing how to sign, an idiot can vote, because he is a man. He mopes and drinks or gambles in a reversal of fortune; she suffers, fights, and prays; (allow me to be amazed). Her name is “Being Weak”, and his last name is “Being Strong” because he is a man. She must forgive if her husband is unfaithful; but, he can take revenge; (allow me to be amazed) in such a case he can even kill, because he is a man. Oh mortal! Oh privileged mortal, who is perfect and complete surely you enjoy being renowned! What did you do to achieve this? You was born a man. |
Note: The English version available in this post is a loose translation from the original text.
About The Poet
Adela Zamudio (1854–1928) is a Bolivian writer and poet who pioneered feminism in this country. Born in Cochabamba, she was self-taught and wrote several texts, poems, and a novel "Íntimas". National Bolivian Women's Day is celebrated on her birthday as a tribute.